Sep 22, 2010

Another Blog?

Hello everyone.

Nobody knows I want to start writing a new blog. Well, if I'm gonna publish this, someone will has to know. At least they won't expect it. Let's talk about why I want to make my life even more complicated and...
... write a new blog.

This is it. Me, who always wanted to run but never lasted more than going twice, decided to start regular training. As I always knew, it's about motivation, so one day I bought running pants from world known fashion designer. For your information, I kept running for a month, once in a week... Than I just got bored. After a year I bought iPod nano with decision that one day I'll buy whole Nike+ kit. So I was running with my iPod; 5x times I would say. The next step, I told myself that shoes I've been running in are 5 years old and now it's time to buy new ones. I got Nike+ shoes as a birthday present. Not running ones but universal, which was smart move on my dad's part. I started to run on regular base, once in week, but I couldn't breathe after one km. So I switched running shoes with kitchen apron and tried to improve my cooking of czech cuisine. While dough for buns was raising, so my lower body part, mixed with hormones and since than I rather haven't checked the scale. As summer came and I got a little bit of money I invested it in new motivation and got myself a Nike+ toys I've been dreaming about.  To be honest, my running motivation just switched into another level.
To explain how does it work. It's a sensor you put in your special Nike+ shoe and connect to a receiver plugged to your iPod. While you're running you hear information about how long, fast and far you're running. Pretty neat, right? It gets better. At home when you synchronize your iPod with iTunes, information goes to the Nike+ website, where you can use your run kilometers in challenges or you can easily set up a goal you want to reach. Another very practical thing is, that you can actually set up a Coach program for whatever distance you would like to train yourself and it will show you running plan for each day. 

It has been a month since I started to run and to be honest I'm still getting used to go every day, it starts to be pretty cold here and after 10 km my legs got really sore and they still haven't stop yet, so I look like a duck while running. But you know what? I'm not gonna give up because now I have more reasons to do that than before. I started something and set up a goal to finish half marathon next year. And combination of heart diseases, lymphatic problems and diabetes and my current size are another push up to hold on to it.  

So my friends, dress up sweatpants and join me on my way to heath and reaching goals.

This is where I run...


  1. Terezka that is great! Wish I could run...but asthma and bad knees tend to stop me every time I try to start again. I prefer to rollerblade now :) The Nike+ thing sounds really cool though, if I had an ipod I would think about investing in that! Good luck with your goal!


  2. Well I even convinced Rob to get all these gadgets since I was so excited. Now we have private challenge who will run further:D I wish you could join us though. I wish you could join us. I have allergies and I had a knee surgery, but I still believe there is a possibility to run carefully, like get really good shoes and not to over-push yourself. What about treadmill? Have you tried it? My friend with asthma runs indoors and she said it's the only way she can run.
    But really thank you for support and also for reading!

    Take care Candice...
